
Inspirational, motivational &
empowering workshops


A powerful experience your group will never forget!

These unique and inspiring experiences will leave your teams feeling energized and empowered, with a renewed sense of self, and build stronger, more positive relationships.

Team DRŌM Session

Get ready to move and have fun together!

DROM combines movement and mindfulness in a fun and unique way! This workshop uses fitness balls and drumsticks to engage the body and mind in a safe, non-competitive, non-threatening environment that encourages movement and fun! Ideal for any age or ability.

It will get your team laughing, reconnecting with their playfulness, feeling more energized and reduces stress.

Workshop length: 30 – 60 minutes

DRŌM and Joy/Vision Board

This workshop combines the movement and mindfulness of DROM with creative activities that help participants rediscover their joy, get clear on their dreams and connect with their colleagues on a deeper level.

It will get your team energized, present and into a creative headspace, increasing collaboration and strengthen relationships within the team.

Workshop length: 2 to 3 hours

The opposite of play is not work, it is depression.”

~ Stuart Brown

Benefits of DRŌM

Improve Morale, Retention & Productivity

Better Working Relationships & personal connections

Reduce stress, avoid sick leave and save money

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